Android root management tool SuperSU hits 100 million downloads

Just as there is quite a lot of interest in jailbreaking iPhones to allow for the installation of unofficial software, on Android there are a lot of users who root their handsets. If you ever wondered just how many people were into rooting, the success of SuperSU gives you an idea.

While this is not a tool for rooting your smartphone -- this is something that's easily achieved on most handsets using various tools and online instructions -- SuperSU is a valuable addition to the software toolkit of anyone who has gone down the rooting route. As an indication of the popularity of rooting, SuperSU has now been download 100 million times.

Take a look at the SuperSU listing on Google Play and you will see that it now sites in the 100,000,000 - 500,000,000 installations category. Impressive stuff. And it seems that user have been impressed with the app. With an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5, SuperSU has received nearly half a million reviews. These are overwhelmingly positive -- nearly 350,000 give it full marks.

To use SuperSU, you need to have already rooted your phone. Once installed you can use it to check and control which other apps have root access to your device.

It's impressive stuff, and 100 million people seem to agree!

Source : Betanews

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